Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Can't explain why I like these...

COLORS, Colors n more CoLoRs...
Explanation : When my feelings are mixing with all these colorful colours
It means that I am totally HAPPY!!!
Choose your color...it explains you...

Jewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal worn on the finger...
Hmmm...does it also means :
"I love you so much dear"
"I want to be yours forever"
"I can't live without you"

Or...It just simply means nothing...(just wondering)

LOve of a Cat...
This cat must be cat yg paling penyayang...
Kucing pun reti syg kan...

I like this pic cause I wish to have one of this cute little keychain...
It is adorable...
(bleh gak kalu org nk bg...huhu)

1 comment:

  1. "boleh gak klu org nak bagi"
    ngahaha xbley blah tu...
    xpe2, nnt kte cari keychain tu eh
